Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Gender Inequalities Yesterday and Today Essay - 1674 Words
There is this question which has been plaguing me for quite some time now. The front pages of all newspapers around a year back ran the story of a woman who had been picked up from a Chicago night club by a group of young men, and brutally raped and beaten up, before she was cast off in a darkened alley somewhere. No matter where I went, this was the only piece of news which interested people enough to keep on talking about it, with of course their own views, deductions, and analyses. Good enough, as majority of the people were all for the criminals getting severe penalty for the monstrous atrocity they had inflicted on a 37-year old woman, a mother of two. A woman, subjected to severe physical torture and mental trauma, deserved the†¦show more content†¦Ironical! Gender bias goes back a long way. It is a legacy that has been passed down from one generation of males to the next. It is not possible, without any kind of controversy or contradictions, to single out its root cause or origin. It might go back to the days of Adam and Eve, when Eve was repeatedly warned by Adam to stay away from the Forbidden Fruit of Knowledge of Good and Evil. I mean, what right did Adam have to dictate Eve on what she should and should not do? Unless of course he felt protective of her, considering that she is deemed to have been born out of his rib. And the feeling of protectiveness always develops for someone deemed weaker, needing protection. Or it might go back to the Stone Age, when men, physically stronger, went out with their arms and weapons to hunt for food while the womenfolk stayed behind in the caves to look after the off-springs and the livestock. The role and status of women in the ancient world varied from place to place. Whether it was as an equal partner and loved one, like in Egypt and many Celtic societies, or as a slave in everything but name, like in Athens and, to a lesser extent, in Rome, the role of women was dependent on the culture of the place. Women in Egypt throughout that country’s history have always been treated better than women in Greece and Rome. In Egypt marriage was not simply a man’s civic duty, it was a about love, it isShow MoreRelatedMinority Discrimination : The Work Force1685 Words  | 7 PagesElmelech and Hsien (2004) â€Å" revealed that within the confines of gender lines, men are at risk of being immigrated more so than women, and because of this fact it has played a major role in expanding the low level gender specific poverty gap of the varying Hispanic community†. 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